Gino’s for the year

Salutations everyone. I hope you all had a good weekend, they always seem to go by too fast around here. Just me? Or can anyone else empathize with me? What did you all get up to? It is the last weekend before Christmas, I can almost guarantee that someone who is reading this did some shopping or wrapping, or something else that involved a Christmas activity. Shopping was a challenge this year, and I don’t like shopping on a good year. I find little things for my friends and family all the time that I will give them throughout the year, I don’t think Christmas should be about the gifts anyways. That bothers me, it should be about family and friends, and laughs and stories, hot chocolate, food, and quality time. Enough with the gifts. I have more than I need, I don’t need anything else. Slow down on the gifts, and amp up the little things that make a difference; a card, some baking, a family picture, time with your family, who cares who got the new Playstation 5, or the new xBox, or the new Air Jordan 1 Black metallic gold hi’s in a size 10… Just my thoughts. You all need to do your thing, but remember, not everyone has huge amounts of money to spend, so keep the gifts from Santa to a minimum.

Onto other things over here. I have to write about goals, plans, and dreams… I dislike writing about this stuff. I have very little will power, and I rarely ever follow through, or work towards the things I want. I did just complete a 75 day challenge, which I was so pumped about, and then it let me down. So my thought process, which is awful, I know, so don’t chirp me, is that if I don’t set a goal, I can’t let myself down. Will 2021 be any different? I highly doubt it. However, to satisfy this writing post, I will write about a few things that I would like to do.

The first thing I would like to do, like most of us, is to lose some weight. I tried this previously, and I had almost no weight loss (see a previous post like 4 back? Maybe more), and that was back breaking. To have worked my butt off and come up empty? I’d rather not do that again, it was shattering. I need to find out what works for me, and whatever it is, I need to find it quickly. COVID is putting a damper on my old gym routines, which makes things more difficult. I would like to go back to swimming, and lifting weights, and having a routine. I can make some of it work from home, but I don’t have the equipment that I need. I have one set of 5 pound dumbbells, and I am soon going to lift my way out of those. Cardio doesn’t work for me, don’t ask me why, it just doesn’t, so I have slowed on that, and am now going to focus on more muscle building. If anyone has any ideas out there for body weight exercises that are “knee friendly” (because I only have one fully functional and supportive knee), please, send them my way.

Another goal of mine has to do with music. I have posted about this before as well, but I want to learn how to read music, play the piano, and the guitar. If I am around someone and they pull out a guitar, or sit down at a piano and start playing, I am a puddle, I melt. Like just marry me right there. I want to have that in my back pocket. I love music as it is, why can’t I play it, read it, and understand it? That seems like a decent goal in my eyes. A small part of me regrets not taking music in high school, but everyone who took it in grade 9 had some music teaching in grade school, and I didn’t. I cheated my way through the dreaded “recorder” stage of grade school, and I am sure my parents are glad that it did not last very long. I want to have an outlet, something I can do in my spare time to take me away from everything else.

Plans for 2021? Just to survive, if I am being honest. I want to make it through to a world where there is no more COVID, and things are back to our new “normal”. But with all of the people who continue to travel, who continue to not wear a mask or practice any social or physical distancing, that will not happen any time soon. I get so angry and frustrated, and it’s hurting me more than it hurts anyone else. No one cares how I feel, how hurt all of this makes me. Do you think that the medical and science professionals are saying it just to say it? Or do we think maybe they know what they are talking about? Everyone out there who thinks that sports, sporting events, NON ESSENTIAL travel, and vacations are more important that human lives and the betterment of the world can kindly remove themselves from my “friends” list, I do not want, or need to talk to you, you are the reason this is still going on. Your selfishness, and blatant disregard for anyone but yourself is sickening. Our grandparents, and great grandparents actually had to go to war to fight for our freedom, all you are being asked to do is stay home, if you are not an essential worker, and wear a mask. Apparently that is really difficult for everyone who feels they are entitled to everything, but don’t worry, I, like may others, have seen your true colours, and for what it’s worth, my rainbow doesn’t need your colours, it does just fine on it’s own. This may go over some of your heads because you are too absorbed in yourself, so there is no surprise there, but I hope and pray that you, and your family avoid this virus, because no one deserves to get sick, or worse, die. Remember that when you are out and about with your friends when you could be at home saving a life or two.

In 2021, I want to be happy and positive again. 2020 has been awful for my mentality and my emotional state, and I know it, I can feel it and I can see it. I am aware, and I am working on it. This is not an option for me, it is something that needs to start to change, and it will be a long road, but I have some hopes that I can get to where I need to be. My gratitude challenge is a start, and I will add and change things as I see fit, and just hopefully stay the course and come out on top in the end. Maybe that is something you all can try. Take the time every day to be grateful for one thing, or more if you want. This is the time that we can all use some positivity, some love, and some hype to get us through. You ask my baseball team or my hockey team, I will hype you up for every at bat, every defensive play, and every offensive play, every goal, and every assist, every save, and every effort you make to do your best. I will do it here too, but we all have to do it together. There is no I in team, this is going to take a village, but if we all change one little thing, for the better, we can make a difference. Why not make a difference? Why not leave your name on something positive?

Gratitude Gulag results for today are as follows:

  1. I am grateful for Facebook live, so that I am able to spend one hour every Sunday at church. This is very new for me, but I am here for it, and I actually look forward to it. It is not something I expected to get out of 2020, but here I am, and I am very happy to be a part of that family, even if it just through an app on my phone.
  2. I am grateful for the people who are helping fight the COVID-19 virus. Whether you are front line and working to care for the sick people, or you are staying home and doing your part, and to everyone in between, I am grateful for you. You are the good in this world, and we need more people like you. Keep doing what you are doing, you are making a difference.
  3. I am grateful for the opportunity to wake up this morning, and try this life thing again. I am a work in progress, I am not perfect, nor will I ever be, but I am grateful that I get the chance to wake up and better myself.

My music choice today is a song that came on yesterday and I thought to myself, yo, you were sleeping on this song, and you shouldn’t. So here is “You get my love” by P!nk. I love pretty much everything about this song. I love that it is stripped down and just the piano and P!nk, I love the lyrics, and I love the raw power in her voice. Check it.



PS, my last two Gulag’s are accounted for, I haven’t missed a day.

PPS, if you don’t know what a “Gino” is, google hockey lingo, then the title will make sense to you.

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